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元胞自动机模型已经成为城市空间扩展模拟研究的重要方法之一,并得到广泛应用。然而,现有的城市扩展元胞自动机模型仍存在不足。由于元胞状态设置较为简单,从而使模型转换规则中对不同用地类型向城市用地转换的差异与强度考虑不够。基于此本文在元胞自动机模型的框架下,设计了多元结构的元胞状态及转换规则,提出了顾及地类转换差异与强度的城市扩展元胞自动机模型。在计算非城市用地向城市用地转换的转换概率时,该模型考虑了3个方面的概率:① 地形地貌、经济发展等城市发展的驱动因素对城市用地扩展的影响概率,该概率采用logistics方法进行计算;② 邻域元胞的用地类型对中心元胞转换概率的影响,该概率采用扩展摩尔型方法进行计算;③ 不同类型的非城市用地(本研究中包括耕地、林地和裸地3种类型)向城市用地转换的强度,该概率由模拟基期土地利用数据与目标年份土地利用数据的叠加,得出不同类型的非城市用地在此时间段内向城市用地转换的规模,进而确定不同类型的非城市用地向城市用地转换的强度。最后,将以上3种概率的乘积作为元胞转换的概率。通过转换概率与转换阈值的对比判断中心元胞是否在下一个阶段转换为城市用地。经过迭代计算,不断增加城市用地元胞的数量。当模拟城市用地的结果与目标年份的城市用地规模差值在一定的范围内时停止模拟,得出最终结果。模型构建完成后,本文以长株潭城市群核心区为例进行了模拟实验。以2001年该地区的土地利用数据为基期数据,模拟2010年该地区的城市用地规模和空间分布。研究结果表明,根据本文提出的模型模拟的城市扩展结果与真实数据相比具有较高的一致性。模拟结果正确率达到68.66%,比基于传统logistics回归的元胞自动机模型的模拟精度提高了4.25%,Kappa系数为0.675。该模型较好地模拟了长株潭城市群核心区城市扩展,在城市空间扩展模拟中具有较好的适应性与有效性。  相似文献   
海洋地质调查是我国建设海洋强国的战略需求, 调查产生的数据具有重要的应用价值。随着计算机技术、数据库技术和网络技术的快速发展, 海洋地质调查数据的数字化管理、应用和共享已成为衡量我国海洋科技水平的重要标志。鉴于传统WebGIS应用交互性差, 扩展再利用性能弱的缺点, 文章以南海海洋地质调查数据库为基础, 采用基于Flex技术的应用开发接口(Flex API) 和ArcGIS Flex Viewer应用系统框架进行开发, 并定制自定义的微件(Widget)在应用框架的基础上进行功能扩充, 开发部署在网络环境下的“南海海洋地质调查数据共享服务平台”, 用户能快速、便捷地获取调查数据。文章实现了南海海洋地质调查基本信息的集中管理、展示与服务, 该平台能够较好地满足地勘科技人员与管理人员对海洋地质工作信息服务的需求。  相似文献   
刘雅轩  白亚娟  马远 《干旱区地理》2020,43(4):1088-1097
干旱区绿洲城市普遍存在居住区绿地率低、居住环境质量不高的问题,量化居民对居住区绿地的支付意愿及城市居住区绿地的愉悦价值,有利于正确评价城市绿地的价值,科学规划城市空间。基于问卷调查,利用支付卡式条件价值法和Tobit模型测算乌鲁木齐市居民对改善居住区绿地建设与服务的支付意愿,借助计量模型的假设检验对其影响因素进行定量分析,并基于支付意愿得到城市居住区绿地的愉悦价值。结果表明:(1) 乌鲁木齐市居民人均支付意愿为148.75 元·a–1,远高于东部地区,不同属性居住区的支付意愿为商业小区>单位大院>自建房。(2) 受访者性别、收入、家庭结构、需求偏好、认知与意识等特征对其支付意愿有显著影响,且非虚拟变量对决策的影响程度可借助经济学中的“边际理论”度量。(3) 乌鲁木齐市居住区绿地愉悦价值为3.31×108 元·a–1,利用居民对绿地生态功能和社会功能的认知赋分,发现其生态服务价值略大于社会服务价值。研究可为建立不同尺度绿地支付机制,提升绿洲城市居住区人居环境质量,优化城市空间布局及维护绿洲城市生态平衡提供科学参考。  相似文献   
解决好新疆环塔里木盆地绿洲城市发展与水环境质量之间的关系,对"一带一路"倡议顺利实施及新疆社会稳定具有十分重要的作用。基于2004-2017年环塔里木盆地绿洲城市发展与水环境变化状况,构建城市发展与水环境质量的综合评价模型及二者的协调度模型,以探讨环塔里木盆地绿洲城市发展、水环境质量变化及二者的协调关系。结果表明:2004-2017年,(1)环塔里木盆地绿洲城市发展综合指数呈现出逐年稳定上升的趋势,经济发展和城镇空间规模扩大是环塔里木盆地绿洲城市发展的主要形式;(2)环塔里木盆地绿洲城市的水环境质量综合指数呈现出逐年降低的趋势,水环境质量形势严峻;(3)环塔里木盆地绿洲城市发展-水环境质量系统的协调度呈现倒U型的稳定发展趋势,但总体上两者的协调度较低,城市发展和水环境质量之间的矛盾日益突出。  相似文献   
以广州市猎德复建房社区为案例,运用布迪厄的场域理论,剖析改造后村民市民化进程问题;并基于问卷调查数据和深度访谈资料,采用描述性统计和质性分析方法,从经济融合、社会文化适应、结构融合和身份认同4个维度探讨村民的市民化水平。结果表明,由于村社共同体这一特定场域的延续,村民经济资本转化不畅,村民的社会、文化和象征性资本相对匮乏以及村民既有惯习的固化和自我改变动力的缺失,尽管村民在改造后经济状况、行为方式、思想观念等均有一定程度的提升,但村民仍处于“半市民化”状态,在经济融合层面就业难题尚未解决,在社会文化适应层面老一辈村民的思维和行为方式固化,在结构融合层面社会网络拓展受阻,在身份认同层面对市民角色的认识不足。在城中村改造过程中,政府应当兼顾社会效益与经济效益,大力推进村社共同体转型,并将城中村村民市民化视作长期的社会系统工程,切实提升村民的人力与社会资本,促进村民融入城市社会。  相似文献   
“经济—空间”视角下城市中心体系的理论与实证研究之间缺少相互衔接的分析框架。论文通过对经典理论的系统归纳与演绎,建立整体视角下理解城市中心体系形成与发展的理论框架,将城市中心体系的发展规律概括为空间竞争和空间联系2个机制,体现在本地服务功能和非本地功能的空间组织过程,分别形成等级网状结构和专业化点状结构,并相互融合形成“半网格”的城市中心体系,扮演着本地与宏观区域结构之间的“转换发动机”。最后探讨了对实证研究的若干启示,提出城市中心的定义和识别方法应注意与理论研究相互衔接;认为城市中心的本地/非本地功能特征及相应的发展机制亟待实证;认为中心及其空间影响的调控潜力是制定规划政策的前提。  相似文献   
新型城镇化背景下,传统粗放的城镇土地利用模式难以为继,控制城市规模、优化空间格局已成为当前国土资源管理的重点工作之一。城市增长边界(UGB)作为一种西方国家控制城市蔓延的技术手段和政策工具已逐渐被引入国内。采用文献资料法和归纳演绎法,梳理并分析了国内外城市增长边界的理论模型、划定方法与实效评价,挖掘未来城市增长驱动力和增长边界制定方法可能的研究方向,为后续研究和未来其在中国的实践提供参考。结果表明:① 城市增长边界实证研究的理论基础主要源于古典单中心城市模型,由于国情不同,国内主要关注经济水平、产业结构和可达性对城市增长的影响,而国外在此基础上还关注公共政策和服务、外部性以及主体间的博弈对城市蔓延的促进或抑制作用;② 城市增长刚性边界划定主要以土地适宜性和承载力评价为基础,弹性边界可采用元胞自动机进行空间辅助模拟;③ 国外城市增长边界的实施效果具有地区差异性,国内目前还缺乏城市增长边界实施效果评价相关方面的研究。因此,城市增长驱动力后续研究应吸纳多源理论,识别不同尺度下其机理特征,探索宏观环境的情景变量对微观环境下“驱动力—城市增长”这一关系的影响。城市增长弹性边界制定需要考虑城乡土地利用转换背后不同情景下主体间的复杂博弈对用地转换在空间上分布的决定作用。为了保证政策的持续性和统筹区域发展,未来需要明确城市增长边界的管理机构,制定对应的法律条款和管理体系。  相似文献   
Stream temperature is a key physical water‐quality parameter, controlling many biological, chemical, and physical processes in aquatic ecosystems. Maintenance of cool stream temperatures during summer is critical for high‐quality aquatic habitat. As such, transmission of warm water from small, nonfish‐bearing headwater streams after forest harvesting could cause warming in downstream fish‐bearing stream reaches with negative consequences. In this study, we evaluate (a) the effects of contemporary forest management practices on stream temperature in small, headwater streams, (b) the transmission of thermal signals from headwater reaches after harvesting to downstream fish‐bearing reaches, and (c) the relative role of lithology and forest management practices in influencing differential thermal responses in both the headwater and downstream reaches. We measured summer stream temperatures both preharvest and postharvest at 29 sites—12 upstream sites (4 reference, 8 harvested) and 17 downstream sites (5 reference, 12 harvested)—across 3 paired watershed studies in western Oregon. The 7‐day moving average of daily maximum stream temperature (T7DAYMAX) was greater during the postharvest period relative to the preharvest period at 7 of the 8 harvested upstream sites. Although the T7DAYMAX was generally warmer in the downstream direction at most of the stream reaches during both the preharvest and postharvest period, there was no evidence for additional downstream warming related to the harvesting activity. Rather, the T7DAYMAX cooled rapidly as stream water flowed into forested reaches ~370–1,420 m downstream of harvested areas. Finally, the magnitude of effects of contemporary forest management practices on stream temperature increased with the proportion of catchment underlain by more resistant lithology at both the headwater and downstream sites, reducing the potential for the cooling influence of groundwater.  相似文献   
Sustainable strategies such as green roofs have been implemented as stormwater management tools to mitigate disturbance of the hydrologic cycle resulting from urbanization. Green roofs, also referred to as vegetated roofs, can improve the urban landscape by reducing heat island effects, providing ecosystem services, and facilitating the retention and treatment of stormwater. Green roofs have received particular attention because they do not require acquisition and development of land and represent an application of biomimicry in design and construction. In this paper, we evaluate the effects of precipitation, evapotranspiration (ET), antecedent dry period (ADP), and seasonal variation on the run‐off quantity and distribution of an extensive, sedum covered, green roof on a commercial building in Syracuse, NY, USA. The green roof greatly facilitated retention of precipitation events without significant changes over the 4‐year study. The green roof retained on average 95.9 ± 3.6% (6.5 ± 5.6 mm) per rainfall event, with a range from 75% to 99.6% (33.2 to 3.3 mm). However, as precipitation quantity increased, the retention of water decreased. This high water retention capacity was the result of the combined effects of ET, stormwater storage (plants, growth media, and stormwater retention layer), and limited surface run‐off from the roof deck due to variation in the sloping of the green roof and the tapered insulation to the deck drains. The water retention capacity of the green roof did not change significantly between growing and nongrowing seasons. Slightly greater precipitation during the growing season coincided with increased ET. Average potential ET during the growing season was approximately 3 times greater than during the nongrowing season. The hydrologic performance of the green roof was not significantly impacted by an ADP greater than 2 days.  相似文献   
The Gurupi Belt, in north-northeastern Brazil, is a mobile belt developed in the south-southwestern margin of the São Luís cratonic fragment and crops out as a tectonic and erosional window within the Phanerozoic cover. Field, petrographic, geochemical, geochronological, and Nd isotopic information (new and published) constrain the timing and types of magmatic associations present in the belt and the tectonic settings in which they formed. The Rhyacian was the main period of magmatic activity, which can be grouped into two main stages. (1) ~2185–2130 ​Ma: pre-collisional, juvenile, calc-alkaline magnesian and calcic ferroan granitoid suites, and minor calc-alkaline and tholeiitic mafic plutonism (now amphibolites), formed in intra-oceanic to transitional/continental arcs; and intra- or back-arc volcano-sedimentary basin. (2) ~2125–2070 ​Ma: syn- (two-mica granites) to late-collisional (potassic to shoshonitic granites and quartz-syenite) plutonic suites produced after crustal thickening and melting, with localized migmatization, that intruded during the compressive D1 deformational phase and concomitantly with greenschist to amphibolite metamorphism. There is a zonation of the Rhyacian episodes, with intra-oceanic stages occurring to the northeast, and the continental arc and collisional phases occurring to the southwest, indicating the presence of an active continental margin to the southwest, and subduction from NE to SW (present-day configuration). This magmatic framework is a continuation to the south of what is described for the São Luís cratonic fragment to the north, and the orogenic scenario is identical to what is observed for the same period in the West African Craton (Eburnean/Birrimian orogen), which additionally supports previous geological correlations. In the Neoproterozoic, a few magmatic occurrences are recognized. An extensional event allowed the intrusion of an anorogenic, nepheline syenite at ca. 730 Ma, which was followed by the intrusion of a crustal, calc-alkaline microtonalite, of uncertain tectonic setting, at 624 ​Ma. Both intrusions underwent greenschist to amphibolite facies metamorphism between 580 Ma and 529 ​Ma. This metamorphic event is probably related to crustal thickening, which produced crustal melting and intrusion of two-mica granites between 595 Ma and 549 ​Ma. The absence of oceanic and arc-related assemblages, along with geophysical information about the basement of the Phanerozoic cover indicates an intracontinental setting for the Neoproterozoic–Early Cambrian evolution of the Gurupi Belt, with rifting and posterior closure of the basin, without oceanization. Rifting and closure correlate in time with the onset of Rodinia breakup and West Gondwana assembly, respectively, but we interpret the events in the Gurupi Belt as having no direct role in these two global supercontinent-related events, but, instead, as being related to orogenic events occurring in the periphery of the West African and Amazonian cratons at that time.  相似文献   
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